Architects of Thriving Organizations in a Changing World

At Futurwits, we believe the future of organizations isn’t something to predict, it’s something to Create. We’re not just consultants; we’re architects of organizational transformation. We empower organizations to transform their most powerful resource, their “People” to not just accept change, but to champion it and lead it.

We strive to create environments where every strategy and structure is designed to inspire and connect people, driving innovation and growth.

Our Vision

At Futurwits, we envision a future where organizations transcend conventional boundaries to fully realize the infinite potential of human intelligence. We strive to create environments where every strategy and structure is designed to inspire and connect people, driving innovation and growth.

Our Mission

At Futurwits, our mission is to empower organizations to unlock and harness the full potential of their people. We achieve this by aligning their strategies, processes, and structures with human values and aspirations. Through our transformative approach, we help organizations not only navigate change but lead it, creating innovative and sustainable models for growth.

Our Goal

Our goal is to lead the transformation of organizations into dynamic, human-centric entities that not only adapt to change but actively shape their future through the power of their people.

Core Values: The Guiding Principles of Futurwits


Our core values are the foundation of everything we do. They represent our unwavering commitment to helping organizations not just survive, but thrive in the face of change:

Human-Centric Innovation

We prioritize the potential of human intelligence, ensuring that every solution and strategy we develop is designed to inspire and elevate people, fostering a culture of continuous innovation.


We are dedicated to empowering organizations and their people to embrace and lead change, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and success.


We believe in the power of partnership and teamwork, working closely with organizations to understand their unique needs and co-create solutions that drive meaningful transformation.


We are committed to creating solutions that not only drive immediate success but also ensure long-term, sustainable growth and development, aligning with both organizational goals and human values.

The Story Behind Futurwits


Recognizing the Human Element in Successful Change Management

At Futurwits, we understand a stark reality: 70% of change strategies and initiatives fail. This high failure rate often stems from overlooking the most critical element of any transformation—people. Traditional approaches to change management frequently miss the mark because they fail to align the human aspect with the organizational processes, systems, and structures.


A Holistic Approach to Transformation

Our journey began with a deep realization that successful transformation requires more than just strategic plans and new technologies. It demands a holistic approach where every part of the organization, from its culture to its operational systems, is aligned to support the desired change. We saw first-hand how misalignment could derail even the most well-intentioned initiatives, leading to wasted resources and unmet goals.


The Founding of Futurwits and the Birth of the MABS© Model

Futurwits was founded to bridge this gap. Our mission is to facilitate transformation on a holistic level, ensuring that every system within an organization is designed to support and sustain change. We restructured processes and realigned systems and structures to foster an environment conducive to growth and innovation. By integrating advanced neuroscience and human behavior science, we developed our unique MABS© Model to optimize both people and process performance

Our Approach:


Cultivating High-Performance Cultures

We focus on creating cultures of high performance, resilience, and emotional intelligence. Through leadership development, organizational change, and capacity-building workshops, we empower individuals, teams, and organizations to not only cope with change but to thrive and lead in dynamic environments.


Putting People at the Heart of Transformation

At Futurwits, we believe that true transformation is only possible when people are at the heart of every initiative. Our story is one of dedication to understanding and leveraging human potential to drive sustainable success.

Our approach is deeply rooted in systems thinking, recognizing that each component of an organization is interconnected. A change in one area influences others, and understanding these dynamics is key to successful transformation. By leveraging systems thinking, we help organizations understand how mind-set, attitude, behavior, and skills interact with processes and systems, creating a holistic transformation framework.

Global Expertise in Human-Centric Transformation

Our expertise extends globally, with a proven track record of driving measurable results across various industries. We combine deep industry knowledge with cutting-edge behavioral science to help organizations disrupt the status quo and thrive in dynamic environments.

Connect with us at Futurwits to harness the power of human-centric transformation and lead your organization into a future of innovation and sustainable growth.